Clinical Services

Plumfield Academy utilizes a strengths-based team approach. Our clinical team includes our Director, Social Worker, Licensed Therapist, and Specialized Educational staff. Our team members work closely together to assess each student, clarify strengths, and determine individualized goals. Daily meetings with administration, clinical staff, and educational staff facilitate a cohesive and comprehensive understanding of each youth’s specific needs and progress.

Individual Counseling

All youth at Plumfield Academy require support in various areas of social and emotional development, and therefore receive individual counseling on a weekly basis. At times, clinical needs dictate more than one session per week. Our Licensed Therapist, with 25 years of experience develops a strong working relationship with each student and builds an understanding of the child with which to guide staff interventions throughout the program.

Group Counseling

For many youth in our program, small group counseling sessions complement the hourly and daily practice within the school setting. The focus of group therapy is on developing positive peer relationships through practicing skills such as effective listening, sharing attention, appropriate attention seeking, giving and receiving feedback, and exploring the themes of social relating and social responsibility.

Family Support and Case Management

To support each student’s therapeutic goals, Plumfield’s clinical team is available to work with our families to facilitate an accurate understanding of each students needs, both at home and school. Equally important is developing, when possible, shared goals in order to  incorporate needed routines and structures that are consistent between school and home. Plumfield’s experience is that our students have the most positive behavioral outcomes when family and school are able to work closely together. Plumfield Academy’s Social Worker facilitates a coordinated individualized approach between our students, their families, school districts, and Plumfield’s clinical and educational teams. Our Social Worker also facilitates transitional plans for youth entering or exiting the Plumfield Program.

Psychiatric Support

When appropriate, Plumfield’s Social Worker is available to work with a student’s Psychiatrist to help facilitate a clear picture of how the student is currently functioning at school. Plumfield’s multidisciplinary team also includes a Psychiatrist who can be made available for family consultation when medication evaluation or support may be indicated.

Speech and Language Therapy

Our Speech and Language Pathologist provides individualized services for youth with speech and language impairments, and auditory and verbal processing disorders, with a focus on Social Pragmatics. He works closely with our school staff to share student goals and to integrate the skills and strategies they are learning and practicing into the classroom setting. 

Occupational Therapy

Some Plumfield students have Occupational Therapy services recommended by their local school district. Plumfield Academy collaborates with school districts to schedule on-campus assessments and services contracted by a student’s school district. These services support our students’ progress toward goals related to fine and gross motor skills development, sensory issues, core strength, and self regulation.